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About Dan Redding

Hi! I'm a multidisciplinary art director and designer with expertise in UI/UX, digital publishing, and visual storytelling. I've had a passion for telling stories with text and imagery since I was a kid (that's me, drawing in my bunkbed). In college, I pursued this intersection with a dual degree program where I studied illustration (Parsons School of Design) and creative writing (The New School). For the last decade, I've been growing my visual storytelling skills in a career in digital editorial design. I've worked on thought leadership programs and digital publishing for leading brands like McKinsey & Company, Hearst, Google and more.

My skills

  • Art direction
  • UI/UX
  • Digital publishing & thought leadership
  • Digital graphics

Writing credits

In 2024, Norton published a design essay of mine in two textbooks: The Norton Sampler and Back to the Lake. I am the creator of Culture Creature, a podcast and blog where I published interviews with members of Run DMC, Rage Against the Machine, and Fugazi. I am a former contributor to the influential web design publication Smashing Magazine.

Hat, Art, Cool

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About Dan Redding

I'm a designer and art director with 15+ years of expertise in UI/UX, digital publishing, and visual storytelling. I have driven digital innovation and enhanced user engagement for enterprise brands including McKinsey & Company, ServiceNow and Zendesk. My work focuses on transforming complex ideas into intuitive, engaging user experiences, aligning digital narratives with brand objectives, and fostering digital transformation. I am dedicated to crafting digital experiences that delight users and propel business success.

Additionally, I'm obsessed with Bitcoin and the Beastie Boys.

15+ years of experience

  • Visual design
  • Art direction
  • UI design/UX design
  • Interaction design/Prototyping design
  • Communication skills/Collaborative leader
  • Published author

Select writing

In 2024, I had a design essay published by Norton in two textbooks: The Norton Sampler and Back to the Lake. I am the creator of Culture Creature, a podcast and blog where I published interviews with members of Run DMC, Rage Against the Machine, and Fugazi. I am a former contributor to the influential web design publication Smashing Magazine.

Let's work together!

You can reach me at


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Publishing ecosystem for Softbank Vision Fund

Capturing the attention of an exclusive audience for the world's largest technology fund

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An interactive portfolio

We developed an interactive portfolio with expandable cards for dozens of SIF investments. This fully custom component took inspiration from V.C. websites while maintaining similar styles to the Kit of Parts.